Thursday, December 13, 2012


Hello and welcome to my new blog :) Hope you are excited to be here as much as I am.

I've been thinking about dividing my weight loss journey blogging from my Expat blogging for a while, and decided now was the right time as I am about to start a fresh with my tracking and planning after my vacation. Plus I have been trying to think of a good blog name for a while and today I finally came up with this one.

So what do you think of my new blog name? 

I wanted to get my new blog up and out there ASAP so you will notice it is a bit blank for now but I plan to update it more over the weekend. I also plan to write at least three posts a week about what I am up to and want to try and include some recipes and maybe even some videos.

Thanks for stopping by to check my blog out.

Sarah xxx