Friday, December 14, 2012

Eating Clean or Weight Watchers

First of all welcome to all my new readers, and am extra thank you if you have come over from my other blog UK to California.

I started this blog so I could focus on talking about and recording my weight loss journey. 

Also Santa came early this year and I got my nice new super shiny Mac Book Pro, so that will make blogging lots more fun.

I've just got back from England and am ready to get back on track and start tracking my food and exercise again. I'm currently trying to decide whether to start going back to Weight Watchers meetings, or to stick to Eating Clean and tracking on my own. The obvious plus side to tracking on my own is that it will be cheaper :) The current price for WW meetings with the new monthly plan is $42.95 (I think). I tend to have a bit of a track record when it comes to meetings, I normally stick it for 10 - 12 weeks then lose interest. SO the big question is what would be different this time? I've read a few posts about the new 360 program, and I am excited about learning more about that. I do currently have an online membership that expires the end of this month, but I haven't properly looked through the material and read up about it yet.

A lot of people I follow on twitter do weight watchers, and I love seeing the posts of your stickers and charms and even the photos of your weight losses in your weight record cards are really exciting and I like that side of things.

I started Eating Clean a few months back, but then kind of lost focus (do you see a pattern here!!) the same happened with the gym.... Although I did stick to my no drinking soda from day 1 and am currently now 138 days soda free. So why if I can do that do I struggle with the other things? 

I guess the bottom line is I need to stop thinking/talking about it and start doing it, or I'll be blogging the same dilemma in six months time. I really want 2013 to be the year that I hit some big milestones with my weight loss journey.

I'd love your feedback and tips to help me kick start myself :) 

I last weighed myself the Monday before I flew to England and I was 278, that was my last recorded weight, I have weighed this week but as I have been sick I don't feel it is a true reading, so I will officially weigh in again on Monday morning, hopefully by then I will have decided where I am heading.

Have a great weekend everyone, I am off to my first ever cookie swap tomorrow, then a British ExPat Christmas Party in the evening


  1. You can follow SimplyFilling on WW which somewhat follows an eat clean approach.

    1. good idea :) then I don't have to track as much either!! I still think $42.95 is a lot for the meetings, but it might be the anchor I need!
